
Middle School (6th-8th Grades)

Middle school is a time of many changes in a young persons life. Students are still exploring the world around them. They want to question everything! At GCCA we train students how to question ideas effectively and intensely, all while remaining in the love of Christ. Students are giving ample time in class for critical thinking. Students are challenged to become thought-provokers and Bible diggers.
The following is a list of publishing companies and their materials that GCCA purchases materials to use in its academic program, grades 1st through 5th Grade. It should be noted, however, that teachers at GCCA are instructed to teach “beyond the textbook” as they teach children from a Christian perspective. Subjects are taught as parts of an integrated whole with the Scriptures at the center. For more information, please see our Educational Philosophy (Handbook, p. 6).

List of 10 items.

  • Bible

    • 6th Grade: Veritas Press (Acts-Revelation, second half), Settle’s Bible Memory Work Notebook, ESV Bible
    • 7th Grade: ESV Bible- integrated into Literature class
    • 8th Grade: ESV Bible- integrated into Literature class
  • Grammar/Composition

    • 6th Grade: Institutes for Excellence in Writing, Shurley Grammar, The Grammar of Poetry

    • 7th Grade: Incorporated into Bible, History and Literature classes (Vertias Press)
    • 8th Grade: Incorporated into Bible, History and Literature classes (Vertias Press)
  • History

    • 6th Grade: Veritas Press (1898 – Present); History of Us
    • 7th Grade: Ancient History: The Book of the Ancient World  by Dorthy Mills, The Book of Ancient Greeks by Dorthy Mills, The Book of Ancient Romans by Dorthy Mills; Herodotus- The Histories (Translated by Aubrey De Selincourt)
    • 8th Grade: Medieval History I: The Church History by Eusebius, Book of the Ancient Romans by Dorothy Mills, Book of the Medieval World by Dorothy Mills
  • Latin

    • 6th Grade: Henle's Latin I
    • 7th Grade: Henle’s Latin I 
    • 8th Grade: Henle’s Latin I 
  • Literature

    • 6th Grade: Tuck Everlasting, Bully For You, Teddy Roosevelt, The Wright Brothers, A Christmas Carol, Where the Red Fern Grows, Number the Stars, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Children of the Storm, The Westing Game
    • 7th Grade: Ancient Literature: C.S. Lewis  The Magician's Nephew, Homer - The Odyssey (trans. Robert Fagles), Virgil - The Aeneid (trans. Robert Fagles) 
    • 8th Grade: Medieval Literature I: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, Against the World: The Odyssey of Athanasius by Henry W. Coray, Confessions by Saint Augustine, The  Song of Roland (trans. Dorothy L. Sayers), Beowulf (trans. Seamus Heaney)
  • Mathematics

    • 6th Grade: BJU Math 6
    • 7th Grade: All Things Algebra Math 7 or All Things Algebra Pre- Algebra
    • 8th Grade: All Things Algebra - Pre-Algebra, Algebra I or Geometry.
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  • Science

    • 6th Grade: Science 6 (BJU Press)
    • 7th Grade: Life Science (BJU Press)
    • 8th Grade: Earth Science (BJU Press)
  • Art

    In the tradition of academic art, fine arts at GCCA teaches students in the middle school the skills to create realistic representations of the known, created world and to compose compositions that communicate most effectively.  Visual art is yet another way for students to digest, synthesize, and communicate what they learn in all the disciplines they encounter in the classrooms at GCCA.
  • Music

    In middle school, we take the musical experiences and the elements of music they've learned and begin to read and write music using a variety of aural, kinesthetic and visual activities, including ear training, sight singing, part singing and instrumental playing.  At this stage we also begin to study music history, including Opera, Musical Theater and music through the decades, learning how music was influenced and how music may have influenced the things they are studying in History.
  • Physical Education

A Christian education in the classical tradition.